After reading this novel I really wish I could go to Clock Island. This novel is a blend of childhood longing, adult problems, and a desire for a magical solution. Lucy is a teacher's aide who really wants to foster a young boy named Christopher. The problem is Lucy does not have her own place to live, a car, and she does not make enough money to support a child. Lucy comes from a family who were completely devoted to her older, sick sister. She was an afterthought. She knows what it is like to be unloved and wants more than anything to give Christopher a better childhood than he has had. Both of them have found solace in a series of children's books known as the Clock Island Series. When a new book is written Lucy has a chance to win the one and only copy but only if she can win the game. To do that she will have to solve riddles and face her fears. It will be worth it though because in the end she could finally make her wishes come true if only she can beat out her competition.
As a child who read a lot, I felt like this was a book written for all of us who grew up loving to read. Reading is an escape from all of our problems and this book definitely held true to that. I found this book extremely heart warming and I was definitely rooting for Lucy the entire time. Her young life was heartbreaking and had me wanting to keep reading so I could find out what was going to happen. I really enjoyed this story and loved that it had a little of everything from romance to fantasy to mystery. I highly recommend it.
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